Quote for the day

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We only do well the things we like doing.
– Colette (1873 – 1954), Prisons and Paradise, 1932

The ability to do things I don't particularly like is important, but
so too is the ability to recognize what I love and pursue that. I'm
not the kind of person who can be equally good at all things. I'm
biased. I love doing some things and drag my feet when it comes to
others. Generally, following my bliss seems to be a good idea.
<grin> I work so much better and so much more happily when I'm
doing something I love. (Duh.)

The trick, I guess, is to find the seed of something I can love and
run with it. When I lose my way, I need to keep going on if I think
I'll find it again, or switch to something else if I don't.

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